Everybody knows the saying “yeah right… and pigs can fly”. Actually, they really do! And cheap flight tickets exists – that’s a fact.

Save money and travel cheap with TravelFree.info!

Blog Travelfree.info will help you to find the best travel deals, cheap flights, hotels and tours from Europe to the rest of the world.

We are constantly searching for amazing deals and lowest possible prices to share them with you, so You can buy them yourself without any commission! Follow us and know about the best deals first!

So when next time you hear someone saying “cmon, and pigs can fly” tell them about our service.

Save money on transportation costs, spend it more on adventures!

TravelFree team


edgarsEdgars Plešs, founder & owner of TravelFree.info, Ucuzgezi.info, TravelFree.lv, Latviaadventures.com, and Rainymap.com websites.

More than 10 years of experience in tourism. To help and show people how to travel-wise – it is great! The idea about TravelFree.info was many years ago, but I created it in July 2014. Since that time travel blog is growing each month and I can be really thankful to our readers.

Motto: Complain less and give more…

Emilija, co-editor of TravelFree.info blog

My story began when I was a student abroad. During that period I wanted to learn more about other cultures and to visit other countries. That is when I started to search for cheaper solutions which will help me realize this wish of mine. The love of travelling brought me to Travelfree.info. It gave me the opportunity to travel cheap and to achieve my goals. This is why I am being part of it now, to spread the word about cheap travelling and to help other people to visit as many places as they can.

Mari, co-editor of TravelFree.info blog

All my life is about traveling, It’s been almost a decade that I’m in a long-distance relationship and traveling is the most wonderful thing about it. Exploring new places makes me deeply happy. I feel the most alive when I am traveling and having future trips already planned brings me joy. Exploring the world costs money and I am here to help you find the cheapest way. I honestly enjoy finding cheap flights for you and I’m extremely happy to be a part of TravelFree.




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